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Custom kitchen CountertopsCOSMIC WHITE GRANITE

Regular price $370.17 $370.17
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Cosmic White Granite. known by the other name. Viscount White Granite. is a fantastic option for your kitchen countertops with waves of grey. white. and black. The immensely intricate beauty of nature is brought to light by the Cosmic White granite stone. When using stone in a project. you can attain an unparalleled level of perfection. It establishes unparalleled features and a royal privilege at your home and place of business. It appeals to all tastes. both old and modern. by providing an enduring mystique and spectacular effect.

Uses: kitchen & bathroom counters. splashbacks. fire hearths. floors. walls. outdoors. etc. We at Work-Tops have this granite in polished and vintage finishes. in 20mm and 30mm thickness.

Power by Shoppaas